Sunday, April 10, 2011

In A Nutshell.

    Two things happen can happen when I get extremely overwhelmed (in general): I become super-productive to de-stress.. or in my mind, I'm curled up in a fetal position tuning the world out. With that in mind, I haven't updated on any of my online stuff. So in a nutshell, here's what happened/what I've been thinking.. etc.
  • There was that one day (last Tuesday) where I was off from work and I was stuck at home all day that I think I flatlilned to boredom. I was so bored, I didn't even bust out with my knitting/sewing/beading/reading/editing. I just watched episodes of That 70's Show all day, and read pages and pages of Lamebook in between (as of late, I'm on pg137).
  • On Wednesday, same boring shiznits happened except late in the afternoon, my roommate asked me if I wanted to do errands at Walmart with her. It's very sad to say that that was the highlight of my two-day break from work.
  • Thursday, my roommate KC and I went to Old Navy for some much needed shopping. Actually, she can go shopping 'coz she's now a ballin' LNP while I probably could have done WITHOUT that $45 shopping trip. I told myself I'm punishing myself until I get me a car. Two tops and a cardigan later, guilt is sitting at the pit of my stomach. Mind you, that feeling continued until I came home from work  late that night.
  • I guess it didn't help that we Just Had To Go Back to Old Navy to buy the canvas peacoat I didn't get the day before I didn't have enough money. Since I bough something the day before, there was a survey participation thing going on that gives you 10% when you go back to the store. So this peacoat was originally $44.95 dollars, but was on sale for $19.99 PLUS an additional 30% off for all clearance items.. PLUS PLUS my 10% discount for doing the survey.. $13 baby. SUPERSCORE.
My $13 Super Score from Old Navy

  •  I finally FINALLY had a Jurin-style birthday!! My friends and I absolutely love going to Jurin. Our teppan/sushi place of choice used to be House of Tokyo/Mr. Samurai in St. Charles.. but we crossed over, haha! Everytime there's a birthday at my friend Dee's family (or any of our friends really) we ALWAYS go to Jurin now. And since my birthday plans didn't include Jurin, I was kinda sad. But KC was kraving (<-haha, see what I did there? :] , we all went. I have a happy tummy, I got the staff to sing for me, I got my Jurin picture AND a free dinner for my birthday next year. Hells yay!!
  • I looked pretty cute at work Saturday. Haha, just saying. We're not really supposed to wear jeans at work but sometimes I wear jeans on Saturdays since I'm the only one in the office. But anyway, I was wearing my $7 pair of brown riding boots from Walmart (again, another superscore, as it was originally $30 I think). I got complimented too! One of the sales guys were like, "That's an awesome pair of boots!" I go, "Thankyousevendollarsatwalmart!!" Hahaha.
  • After sitting at my desk for nine hours, Dee and I went to go see her a musical at Marmion Academy (hello expensive catholic privates school for boys!) where her niece has a small role in. Can I just say that sitting for another three hours to watch a play (musical?) that I have no clue about REALLY tested my attention span. Halfway through the first act, I told Dee to google the plot so we can understand the twist already. She ended up following along while reading it, haha. I guess, it's about racism and sexism right?? 'Coz the nurse didn't wanna marry that Emile guy because he got with it with a Polynesian woman and had two kids, and this guy Cable (Gable?) couldn't marry this girl because she was a different race (was she supposed to be black?) and he ended up dying and without getting the girl too. *SHRUG* Oh, and according to what I saw, nurses where pretty little sluts back then (with their annoying giggling and strutting their stuff and whatnot).
  • Now I'm just chilling at Dee's house because I slept over because she was too tired to drive me back to my apartment. 
My crappy writing got even crappier at the end there. That's 'coz I'm hungry now.


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